This device analyzes sulfuric acid concentration in chromium plating solution by centrifugal precipitation method.
While titration analysis takes a lot of time to analyze sulfuric acid, it can be easily analyzed by using this product.

SulfameterⓇ is the latest version of a long-selling product that has been used for 50 years as an essential equipment for chromium plating factories in Japan and other Asian countries.

*Portion of this reagent contains toxic substance.

Set Includes

Product No. Product Name
A-01A-P01 Sulphameter main body
A-01-P02A Sulphameter Graduated Centrifuge Tube 0.5-5g/L (4 pcs.)
A-01-S01 Sulphameter Solution-A (500ml)
A-01-S02 Sulphameter Solution-B (500ml)
A-01-P08-1 Sulphameter Pipette (for Solution-A) (5mL)
A-01-P08-2 Sulphameter Pipette (for Solution-B) (5mL)
KA-01-P11A Whole Pipette 20mL
KA-01-P20 Whole Pipette Pump (Red) For use w/ 25mL or less
A-01-P10 Sulphameter Cleaning Pipette (For use w/ both 2.5g / 5g test tubes)
A-01-P11 Sulphameter Cleaning Brush (large)
A-01-P12 Sulphameter Cleaning Brush (small)
A-01-P13A Sulphameter Filtering Equipment
A-01-P14 Sulphameter Tube Rack
A-01-P16 Vinyl cover for Sulphameter main body

Sold Separately

Product No. Product Name
A-01-P03A Sulphameter Graduated Centrifuge Tube 0.1-2.5g/L (4 pcs.)


Outer (Installation) Dimensions470Lx470Wx370Hmm
Main Unit Weight40kg
Input VoltageAC100V
Power Consumption120W

Name of Each part

How to Analize

  1. Mix the plating solution and the reagent and put them in a test tube.
  2. Install in a centrifuge and rotate.
  3. Read the amount of precipitate(g/L). Test rezult is equal to the concenration.


  1. Plating Analyzer
    Titration Analyzers, Boume Hydrometer, Sulphameter,

  2. Plating Test Kit
    Hull Cell Test Kit,Jet Plating,Strain Gauge-Type Stress-Meter,Spiral Contract-Meter, Haring Cell

  3. Wafer Plating Kit
    Silicon Wafer Plating Kit

  4. Laboratory and Small-lot Production Kit
    Beaker-KUN, , 2L laboratory Tank set,

  5. Barrel
    Horizontal Barrel, Tapered Barrel, Micro Barrel,Dummy Ball

  6. Tank
    Materials vary and tank volume from 33ml to 200L

  7. Heater/Thermostat
    Small Heaters, immersion heater, L-type heater

  8. Filter and agitation
    Multi-Filter, Air pump, Air Filter, cartridge

  9. Power Supply
    Programmable Power Supply, Silicon Rectifier, Step-down Transformer

  10. Cathode Rocker
    Paddle Cathode Rocker 200BWA, forr Electroless Plating, Beaker plating

  11. Jig
    Clasp for heater, sensor, Crips for samples, Rack

  12. Anode/Cathhoode
    Size vary, Hole processing and cutting are available

  13. Brush Plating
    For repair of wear and scratches and Decorative plating (engraving, etc.)
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